Why hasn't my banner been approved?

All banners are checked and approved manually. This should normally be done within 48 hours.

Not all banners are approved. The most common reasons for banners not being approved are:

  1. There is no valid image URL, so there is no banner image to disply.
  2. The banner image submitted is the wrong size or shape. (Banners must be 468 by 60, square banners should be 125 by 125).
  3. The banner clearly advertises a site that does not comply with our terms, such as a "cycler" or HYIP.
  4. The banner text is not in English.

If you have a query about a specific banner - that does not fall into one of the above categories - please submit a support ticket.


Article Details

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Date added:
2016-01-05 06:18:44
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